Fried Calimari

Here is a burning question one must ask, what is Calimari? The answer is it means squid in Italian but the Greeks eat it too. The octopus. nautilus and cuttlefish are related because they all are cephlapods which are in the mollusk family except they do not have shells. The mollusks usually are known as … Continue reading Fried Calimari

Poha Cutlet

Actually when you make a friendship with someone, it is important that you do not hurt someone’s feelings. A lot of people do not know how to be a friend at all and they are frenemies. For me to write about my feelings on a post to talk about a recipe is very cathartic and … Continue reading Poha Cutlet

Turkey Soup

I really adore this soup. Turkey soup is amazing and tasty and you do not need the whole bird or even leftover turkey carcas for this one. I would not recomend a left over turkey carcas from the holidays at all. The best bet is use fresh turkey pieces. If you can get the drumstick … Continue reading Turkey Soup