Fried Calimari

Here is a burning question one must ask, what is Calimari? The answer is it means squid in Italian but the Greeks eat it too. The octopus. nautilus and cuttlefish are related because they all are cephlapods which are in the mollusk family except they do not have shells. The mollusks usually are known as … Continue reading Fried Calimari

Chili Paneer

I can’t believe this that I am on my very last archive post to talk about. Now I am free to wanting to work on new recipes and create brand new content from more brand new recipes for you guys. One guy in my group benazir’s blog a cooking guide gave me a compliment. I … Continue reading Chili Paneer


I remember when my mother in law came here to USA to visit. She was between New York and here in Chicago when she came to visit us. We went to the store one day and she picked up a bundle of lawash which is a very flat bread that is very thin. I didn’t … Continue reading Lawash